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Friends Eating Dinner

Come to discuss how AI is affecting lives at


Next one
Thursday February 15th 2024 

Create New Connections
Meet in real life other thinkers that are looking to expand their mental horizons.
Discuss Futuristic Topics 
Conversate on pre-decided topics with group prompts and a structured communication.
Taste Amazing Food
Enjoy some of the best and most hip food locations in the city.


Networking & Profile Sharing

Connect Before and After the Event

At Tech.Talks, networking is at the heart of our experience. Our unique profile sharing system ensures that you start connecting even before the event.

How It Works

1. LinkedIn Integration: When you book your ticket, provide your LinkedIn profile link. This step is crucial for fostering a rich networking environment.

2. Pre-Event Connections: Before the event, we'll share a list of attendees and their LinkedIn profiles exclusively with ticket holders. Start conversations and set up meetings in advance.

3. Expert Interactions: Occasionally, we'll have guest speakers from the tech industry. Learn from their insights and engage with them.

4. Collaborative Opportunities: We encourage you to explore collaborative projects or follow-up meetups post-event. Extend your network beyond a single evening.

Michelangelo Marchiorello
Program Manager @ Meta - Creators AI

An Italian geek in love with anything that beeps. 

After 10 years in Big Tech, I worked in Google for 6 years selling Google products (Ads and Cloud technologies) before moving into AI Program Management in Meta.

I love talking about technology in its every shape and form, from the latest gadget released to the need of legislation on AI and data storage. Just tell me when it's enough! 

Come to chat with me about tech while having a great dinner. I cannot think of anything better than to do that while also meeting new people so I kickstarted Tech.Talks! 

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The Location
The event will be hosted at a local Restaurant with a calm setting to enable conversations. 

The next event will be at:
Bocca Di Lupo

Archer Street, Soho

Chat without Ease 

Themed Discussions: Every Tech.Talks event has a unique theme, guiding meaningful discussions and ensuring a fresh experience every time.

Feedback & Evolution: Your post-event feedback is invaluable. Share your experience, suggest topics, and help shape future Tech.Talks events.

GET your Free TICKET

Tickets for the event are free but food and drinks will be on you. As this is a dinner, both food and drinks are expected to be ordered. 

15 Feb 2024, 19:00
Bocca di Lupo
An evening meeting 8 like minded people interested to discuss tech in front of good food and drinks!
Don't wait
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